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Your Voice Over Demo

In the world of voice acting, your demo is your calling card. It is your portfolio. It is your audio resume'. Recording your voice over demo is probably the most exciting process you'll ever go through when first starting out, second only to getting your first gig. Your demo is your best first opportunity to present your performing skills and abilities to talent agencies, producers, and other talent buyers.  It is your letter of introduction, and It simply has to be good.


At VOworks, we take great care and pride in producing first class demos for our clients. Our rich library of music and fx together with our talented engineers and powerful state of the art digital platforms, allow us to produce demos of the highest quality - able to compete with much more costly productions.


One thing you should know - No training, no demo... At least not from us. This does not mean that you have to train with us, but, you will have to provide evidence of past or present training. At VOworks we accept 3 forms of evidence... 1) a previously recorded demo, 2) certification of training from a voice over coach or school or 3) a score of 8 or better on a VOworks Studios conducted voice evaluation (FREE).


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